The Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010


Topics covered as part of this module would include: 

  • What is the Equality Act 2010 and who does it cover? 
  • Distinguishing between the different types of discrimination and how they apply day to day 
  • Manager’s obligations under the Equality Act, including the management of: 
  1. banter in the workplace 
  2. disabilities and reasonable adjustments 
  3. internal grievances and disputes 
  4. implementing internal policies and procedures. 
  • How to manage complaints of discrimination and mitigate any risks 
  • Leadership of diversity and inclusion 
  • Managing unconscious bias in the workplace to prevent discriminatory behaviours. 

Delivery Methods

Target Audience

  • HR and senior managers, and some topics are applicable to all employees
  • Any size organisation
  • Private and public sector
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