Issues and techniques for SMEs entering foreign markets Speakers: Henry Clarke In this webinar: Why do businesses internationalize?Relevant issues to consider when internationalizing.What do those issues mean for the legal services you need? In the first of a series exploring international trade with our advisory group of industry-leading lawyers to help you navigate post-Brexit international...Read More
Reimagine & Refocus: Reshaping Business Structures Speakers: Steve Berry, Claire Knowles, Christian Farrow In this webinar: Reorganising your business post-pandemicManagement equity structuresBusiness growthGrowth companiesSuccessionHR and cultural issues “You can only drive a business with a purpose, value and culture if you have talent and if you reward them properly – and in today’s world, that...Read More
IR35 – Ask the Tax Experts Speakers: Adam McGlynn, Martin Knight In this webinar: What is IR35 and Off Payroll Working Rules?Who does IR35 apply to?What happens if IR35 is not adhered to?What happens if there is a disagreement in the decision of IR35?Q&A with Martin Knight “It’s important to clarify everything for a second...Read More
Reimagine Business Systems to Inspire Growth Speaker: Robin Jaques In this webinar: Systems and defining their role in your organisationSystems that differentiateStrategy deploymentLeader standard workContinuous improvementQ&A “If you think about the systems in your business, you can categorise them into three groups: work systems, management systems and improvement systems.”Robin Jaques, SA Partners Creating an organisation...Read More